Thursday, April 27, 2006

Better Days

Aaaahhhhhhhhhh, Now, this is what it’s supposed to be like - it’s the middle of the afternoon and my clothing is not sticking to my body, and I do not hate the world. What a difference a day, two industrial strength fans (designed I think to remove smoke from a building), countless regular strength fans, free ice cold sodas in the break room all day and an out door temp 25 degrees cooler than it was yesturday can do for your day.

There are even sections of the hallway where it is almost cold. In my little section of the building I have not second guessed my long sleeves one bit – okay, briefly but I was filling boxes with purged stuff and moving around and it was my own fault, for you know , working. I should have known better. I’m better now.

The weather helped out a lot to. It was kind enough to host a cool front and not insist on being sunny today, like it was yesterday. Today it’s easy only 60 degrees outside, and over cast and grey and really, if I wasn’t so pleased about how much cooler it is inside today, I would be thinking it was actually kind of dismal outside. It’s not dismal though, its cooler which allows it to be quite nice inside. Really livable. I may get work done today.

Today my supervisor gave us our Happy Administrative Professionals Day gifts. I am now the proud owner of a $10 gift card for Wal-Mart. I’m actually, kind of happy about this. Do you know how much plastic crap I can buy at Wal-Mart for $10? A huge amount. What I really may use it for is to buy replacement plants for my front patio. I just planted out there and all ready one variety it failing. I don’t have a clue what kind of yellow flowery plant it is that is going Camille on me, but it just never caught on and now I think it’s time to tear them out and put something else in. It’s really harshing on the other plants mellow. I need to find something that will bother to get use to the place before they decides they hate it and want to go home, it would be really nice to pick a variety that will perhaps even stick around long enough to hatch new blooms or even, gosh, thrive like the pretty white flowers I planted at the same time are. When I planted I also planted some nice lavender colored jobbies and while the plant itself is doing all right the blooms disappeared two minutes after I transplanted it and they have never come back. So. I need more plants. I have a black thumb and I am all about appearances.

If it stays nice and cool and over cast maybe I can Dogger with me to the store, you know to guard the car but I’m pretty sure she’s in it for the people watching. She seems to like the Wal-Mart parking lot. I think she’ll be happy to be out of the house and away from Mini Kitty. Yes, MK is back in the house. I’m hoping that she’ll remember her last stay here and not be such a nasty cow while she’s here. The last couple of days of her visit she was almost nice and she and The Kitty were getting into some sort of cat groove together. How long is the average house cats’ long term memory? I bet it’s really short. Anyway, she’s baaaaa-ccckkkk!

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