Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sick Puppy Part 256

Well. How was your weekend? Dogger had a sucky weekend and mine wasn't great either. On the upside, only one of us is limping.

And the one who is limping would not be me.  Dogger may have did have a set back.  We had been so careful for so long and those behaviors had become pretty much second nature. Pretty much.  Now she's limping, holding the leg up and whimpering. That started Friday night, after we had our Oops.

And it wasn't a big accident, it wasn't even an accident. We were on a sidewalk and we were walking along and a lady with baby carriage was approaching us. One one side of the side walk was a very mild embankment and on the other is a busy street. It wasn't going to be a choice of who went into the street. I moved Dogger over and the baby carriage went past. Dogger spent about a tenth of a second on the embankment and we went on our way. As we got to the house the neighbors across the street were outside and so we went to speak with them. The kids love Dogger and I haven't had a chance to speak with their Mother. Dogger got worshiped and the Mother and I had a nice conversation. Okay.

We had been standing there for a while and Dogger decided to lay down. This is normal for her, she doesn't like standing for long periods.  I took the hint and brought her inside for her dinner, as we were walking towards the house she was holding her leg up and limping. This has happened before and it goes away, it didn't go away.

Monday we went to the vet and he did a lot of stretching and manipulating  of her leg. She did not like it. I thought it might be her hip but he wasn't able to find any real problems with the hip, Thank-You-God, and he began to focus on her knee. He discovered a lot of swelling in her knee and couldn't really feel anything in there with that in the way. He put her on anti-inflammatories and gave her a week to get better. If by Thursday she's not back to normal she's getting sedated and and x-rayed on Friday morning. I all ready have a doctors appointment with an actual people doctor on Friday, now I might have to take the day.

Please think happy thoughts for my doggy.

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