Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sucks being me

In between bouts of cookie making I sat in my chilly living room and killed wasps. Wasps who are now wearing tiny little parkas! You should see them, the malevolent beasties,  in their parkas they look like demonic humming birds. Disney gone wrong.

Snow White would hate them. She would use a dwarf to squish them.

I hate them. I spent countless hours sitting on my chair waiting, listening for the crinkling of their wings against their hoods of their parkas and then hunting the beasts down one by one with my now boon campaign, my vacuum tube. They are getting smarter though, I had to change where I was keeping the vacuum stationed and take it on maneuvers to the dining room and the kitchen. Here I was the best armed military at my address and I was having to run defence. I have a weapon of mass destruction and I was being smoked. Have you ever tried to run around your house with your vacuum? Do you know how many times I tripped over the cord or the tube while I was doing this? I am Shrub!  Misson Not Accomplished.

I did take cookie making breaks and I kept myself alert with Halloween candy and now have only one more variety to make before the cookies will be out of my freezer and into their new homes across the country. I'm really early this year, last year I'm pretty sure I was much more down to the wire with the cookie production and distribution. I love my Kitchen Aid, ya'll have no idea.

I still have bacon cookies to make, but there really isn't a rush. A new twist in these batches, I took the cheese for the cheese cookies and ran it through my blender and really pulverized it. It makes it much easier to get a nice, even mixture in the dough and now I'm interested to see how the bacon bits will do when blenderized. I've never been happy with the bacon cookie texture and I'm hopeing that this will smooth  the cookies out a little and make them more uniform and smooth . There is also the issue that rolling out the bacon cookie dough is not fun because it has a lumpy texture and leans toward the delicate and its hard to get a nice even distribution of bits. Distribution is key.

The dogs have never complained but I have issues with the over all appearance of the cookies and all the other varieties are smooth and pretty from the start and have well behaved, studly, non-lumpy doughs. Aunt Cookie likes a strong, pretty, cookie.

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