Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Leave only foot prints

Does anyone know where I can get juvenile but yet some what mature honeysuckle plants? And before you make the knee jerk suggestion that I just go dig it up because I have tried the digging-it-up method and it  was not easy and then the little bit I did get up did not survive . I  failed there, its  bloody weed and from what my meager online research, I should not have been able to kill it.

And no, they don't sell it at the Wally World or at  actual reputable  nurseries. The garden glitterati does not see honeysuckle as a plant you intentionally grow, it is seen as a plant they can tell you how you get rid of so you can replace it with a "real" plant, one they will happily sell you.

So, you either have honeysuckle naturally occurring where you are or you do not and I do not.  Which means, I am going to  have  to miraculously come across  a nice big patch of it and dig it up. And then not kill it.  This time I'm going to stay prepared and carry a shovel and supplies to deal with a great big clump of it and transport it.

 The polite, take-a-cutting method of  weenie, delicate, takes-more-skill- than-it-looks method of propagating did not work for me. Its tough plant and you have to show it you aren't afraid of digging its ass up. It respects shows of strength. I just need to find a source where I can just dig it up without worrying about getting busted for trespassing - which I have avoided in the past by either A) Waving my camera or in tougher situations, say those with  posted signs or B) claiming ignorant touristophila while waving my camera.

It is however, difficult to wave your camera around while digging up a fibrous, root-y plant on some ones back forty.  You walk around with a camera on not-your-property and you have an excuse to be there and you can say It is so beautiful,  I take only pictures! you walk around with a shovel and it send a potentially more felonious message.

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