Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Garden Update 7

As ya'll are my wittnessi : I am through planting*

* I reserve the right to replace dead plants. If something dies I will put a new plant in. One out one in. I don't think that's unreasonable. I also promise not to kill anything I decide I don't like anymore. That would be cheating.

I thought I was done. I had all my tomatoes and peppers and beans and flowers in the ground and all was right in the world. And then I remembered marigolds. You can't plant vegetables without marigolds. Its a rule. The plant changes the chemistry in the soil and renders it unsuitable for some grubs and certain fungi and rabbits don't like them. There are no rabbits in my neighborhood. Better to be safe than sorry.

 We have growth but we don't have photos. It took me 45 minutes to figure that out. It may be time to take Mr. Computer back to the computer store and have them do whatever it is that computer guys at computer stores do to computers to make them do stuff like upload images.

The plants are getting taller. Not fuller but taller, one of the tomatoes is getting a little leggy but it might be the variety so I'm not worrying yet, the peppers are as always lagged but the pepper I thought was going to be the runt of the litter has shown some improvement and seems to be gaining  slowly on the others. The Experimental Garden despite getting 23 hours of sun a day doesn't seem to be showing super growth as a result, in fact I think they are showing less growth than the plants in the less sunny garden - however, the EG were not planted until a week or so after the other plants and they might just be behind for that reason. I was really expecting a great deal more from them though and I feel less bad about the amount of sunlight the other garden gets - which is not enough but obviously, but not not enough to be lethal.

The beans are the real superstars in the garden being the first plants to begin making fruits! I have a multitude of teeny, tiny green beans! Yay!

The flowers in the front have gotten taller and prettier and I'm religious about dead heading them and I've fertilized and poisoned and slug -B-goned them. The plants I raised from seeds are still with us but still too young to make flowers. My honeysuckles are doing well, to be honest, two of the three or doing well, one is even flowering while the other just seems to be getting taller. Plant 3 doesn't seem to making any strides at all. In case one or more ultimately fails, I did make a cutting of a Japanese honeysuckle plant I found along Dogger and my walk today, to set on the bench and probably die because I don't know how to raise cuttings.

 I'm going to use it as a threat to make plant three get in line Get it together #3 or I'll bring Cutty in off the bench and you know whats going to happen to you #3 once Cutty is in the line up? That's right, you'll be benched or worse! What? you don't verbally assualt your plants? Really?

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