Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blogger still bloged, no spell check

I made about 900 cookies over the weekend. I worked so much over the weekend that I didn't even have time to walk puppy! I always walk puppy! I felt I owed him so today after work I rushed home and changed shoes and off we went, this time I drove to just this side of downtown so that we could not walk home in the dark. And we walked and walked and walked.

On that walk, I found another store I didn't know about, Design Box and window shopped some more Christmas gifts. The real challenge is going to be to remember to find my way back to the store sans dog.  It looks like a really neat store so I'm going to make sure I go back there.

While I was walking Puppy I found places that Puppy needed to get his picture taken, and then I remembered we had been here before.

 October 16

November 19

October 16

November 19

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