Thursday, October 9, 2014

Its never too early to get Santa into shape.

I would have been here sooner but I was dithering over pulling the trigger on my Christmas cards. I finally did it and now the cards are done and I can check that off my list. I don't have a list yet, its too early to have a list yet, but in theory, if I had a list I would have scratched "Christmas Cards" off of it.

Another item I want off my non- existent list is "Dog Cookies". This weekendish, Aunt Cookie needs to strap on her apron and get to work on the cookies, or at the very least Aunt Cookie needs to do a census of available dogs. Aunt Cookie is pretty sure she has fewer dogs to bake for this year, so fewer cookies equal less time and less capital invested into the project, Yay! lets hear it for less time and capital! Boo for less dogs over all. She also needs to firm up the varieties and make a shopping list. I skipped the whole thing last year and that did not make me feel good; It made me feel better, but it not make me feel good.  I'm also not going to be as ambitious as in years past, I think its going to be no more than two or three varieties and if I stick with the program and do them over time it won't be near the cookie marathon I have ran in the past: Up hill both ways in the snow.

ANYWAY. In the interests of saving time and energy  at the holidays, I made only one design so everyone gets the same card. This year everyone is gets the  "A" design, usually I have two or even three different levels of cards because I can't make a decision about the design - but I am through with that. This year I am doing one single card, and its awesome. I lurve it and I hope everyone else does to. P.S GLITTER

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