Wednesday, February 1, 2017


So as not spend the entire evening in front of the TV watching M*A*S*H reruns, I spent some of my evening spending money.

I wasn't going out willy nilly,  had a very short, very strict shopping list!   Despite the fact that it was 66 degrees this afternoon when I was walking the dog, it is still winter and tomorrow is February . It is going to get cold again and I am guessing that in that cold that is going to be at least one more snowfall .

My snow boots died and I needed new ones to make sure that in that the cold is just cold. If I don't replace my boots it is absolutely guaranteed to snow, but if I do replace them, there is a good chance that I won't need them. Its like my snow shovel, when I didn't have one I ended up needing it and having to DIY snow shovels to varying degrees of not success and then I finally got a real one and I've only used it once to absolute success - although I do wish I had spluged on the ergonomic version.

So. Did you know that in February that there are limited choices in snow boots available but almost unlimited swim suits to choose from? IN February! Of course! However, the savvy shopper knows where to look and to the savvy shopper goes the very last snow boots in the store. And they even fit.

And after that, I looked down my list to "buy nephews birthday gift" . This was harder because they don't have a section marked "Nephew wants This", I texted his parents and learned he liked nerf (tm) things, I like nerf (tm) things! Sadly, the spesfic things he likes look like massive weapons and I really do not like buying toys that look like weapons. I avoid buying such things but this time it was unavoidable.

Then I had a thought. Nephew is a strong anti-Trump partisan and a junior member of the resistance! if I must buy him a war toy I can also get him a gift membership in the ACLU!  And I did!

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