Friday, June 2, 2017


Why there is no entry for today: Tiny kitty was showing no improvement and I called his vet to say why is the antibiotic you gave him not working yet? And why did he growl  at the dog this morning?

The vet told meat me to take him to the emergency vet (!!!!) and not my old home away from home emergency vet either, the place where I have an existing "relationship" and they would cut me some slack.

No. They sent us to darkest Cary. Too far away if I had a pet in true peril. I know the difference and I would have had a meltdown and taken myself to the place on Vick.

Anyway. Four hours later and a rescue mission by Alphagal  later, his bladder was not distended or blocked, his blood work is normal and everything looks good. They did give him more and better pain meds - already clearly working.

I went and bought  the soupy -ist cat food I could find and shockingly, he liked it! I also just watched him drink water!:-)

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