Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Yesterday I was putting something in my outside trash and I felt this sudden pain in my finger and I tried to make the pain stop, and it wouldn't! I tried to shake the pain causer off my finger, and I couldn't! It just hung on! And all this time I couldn't actually see whatever it was that was pumping poison- I'm assuming this, into my hand. It was dark, the light wouldn't go on, it was awful! I know the bug had set it up to happen that way.

Finally, I was able to shake it off and that was when I saw that my finger was now bleeding! Whatever it was had the capability to draw blood! It was weaponized! I was attacked by some sort of fully weaponized insect! Gawd only knows what kind of bug grade poison I have coursing through my veins now!


I've been poisoned! I've been poisoned and now I'm going turn into an X-Man or a Marvel character or whatever franchise Spider Man belongs to, I don't know I don't watch those kinds of crap movies. Oh no! Maybe I do now! Maybe that's what the bug venum will do to me! It will make me crave rotten, B-Grade schlock! Oh, Jeebus take me now!

It was time for a shower so I took one and then waited for the venom to take ahold . And waited. I waited for my hand to swell. I waited or shakes and nausea, I waited for dry mouth and hallucinations...

And nothing. The rotten little beast just wanted to eat my flesh. 

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