Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Bad Me.

I rolled over this morning, casually to check the time, because normally I do this several times and its usually 2:15am, and 4:10am and 4:45am.  Its always before my alarm goes off.

Not today. Today when I casually rolled over to check the clock it was 5:49am! 39 minutes after I am supposed to be out of bed! at 5:49am I am supposed to be reading Fark at the table and eating my breakfast! This was not okay. I overslept. I do not over sleep. I am early. I wake up early, I  wake my alarm up! I do not over sleep. And I overslept . I don't know how this happened and you can be sure that heads will roll. There was no time to kill anyone this morning but there will be meetings in the coming days.

I rushed to get ready and began to shed morning rituals. No walk for the dog, he can use the yard, no breakfast for me, I can take it to work with me, I don't really need to read Face Book or Fark! Check the email and get out the door.

Poor dog! He really needed to go out and go for his walk, he likes his morning walks and all he got was thrown into the yard and told to "take care of business" Quickly. Fortunately he was able to do this because I needed to roll.

I got to work with plenty of time but I hate that loss of control and those moments of panic. My alarm was set, I checked it before I went to bed and when I looked at it this morning, it was still set so I don't know if it went off and I turned it off  and went back to sleep or if the clock is broken.

I think its because I got in the habit of turning off my alarm over the weekend, I had been setting it so that I would not sleep the day away. It didn't work. I would just rurn it off and go back to sleep. The thing is, I've never been able to to turn it off  easily, I have to sit up and deal with it because it is not easy to turn off. It is just a button but its kind of an awkward button and I have the clock turned away from me because the light it too bright and it keeps me awake.

The new plan is I am moving that little bastard out of my reach, and possibly, turning it from not at all alarming sound of classical music to the very alarming sound of the buzzer. I need to be disciplined.

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