Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Two mornings in a row I've had  my routine disrupted. Monday, I was dressed for a warmer morning than I encountered - Sue me, Sunday was gorgeous and I figured that Monday was be equally so. It was not.

I had to change clothes - a bigger issue than you might expect, I had plenty of time to over think my choices the night before but a very limited time the next morning! My over thinking does not like to be on a timer, I need time to fully explore every possible avenue and normally this takes some time, having to do it on a much compressed schedule was stressful. I do not need stress first thing in the morning. Normally, I try very hard to avoid any stress at all in the morning by making things very easy for myself and doing things exactly the same way and on the same schedule and not having any surprises - like a change in weather! Fortunately, I had time on the walk to decide what I was going to change into and it was available and so it wasn't as stressful a change in my morning as it could have been. But it was enough. 

Tuesday,  I set out to walk the dog and got all the way to end of the street before I discovered that I had left the house without bags! The horror. I had to turn home and the dog got to "walk" the backyard instead of around the block. I felt bad for him. I'm hoping that Wednesday dawns as warm as it is supposed to and that I remember to bring bags on our walk, these disruptions are not okay.

Speaking of disruptive, I accidentally locked Tiny kitty in  the downstairs bedroom over night! I had to go in there to get a shirt to wear to work and I thought the kitty was upstairs already. I went upstairs with the dog and went to bed immediately. I was tired and I thought both cats were there! I feel like a bad pet person, I should have counted noses before I turned off the light. Poor kitty! locked into a room all by himself! Crying by the door all night! Well, I bet he slept on the bed a lot of the time, he isn't a dumb kitty. The bed is very warm and soft and I know he likes that in a bed. It was still mean of me though. Tonight I put him upstairs early. He is already complaining but I think he would rather be upstairs with me than downstairs ny himself.

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