Wednesday, May 9, 2018

How Old Are You?

I wasn't going to post because I really didn't have anything to talk about, but then I was making my after dinner coffee and I noticed that after I put my half and half in it that there were these little floaty white things in it.

First I tried to use a spoon to get them out, but there were too many, then I tried to use a screen to get them out but that didn't work either. I thought about when I seen this happen before and it wasn't a good memory, I thought that maybe the half and half might have gone bad.

I pulled out the container and looked at the date. June 3. It should be okay, and I sniffed it. It smelled okay... and then I poured some into a glass, it looked sufficiently liqued-y . And then I looked at  the date again

June 3 2016.  And I poured the rest of it out. I bought this, maybe a week and a half ago. I haven't been drinking coffee as much as I was over the winter because its warmer now, but I've tried to keep up.  I certainly do not have 2 year old half and half in my refrigerator! No wonder it was clumping up! It was two years old!

I had a second container that I bought to because I was running out, I wasn't, actually, but I did check it and it is from 2018. Yay.

I can't go back to Wally and raise hell about the old half and half because I don't have the receipt and it was well used by the time I noticed, I fear if I do take it back and point out that it was two years old when they sold it to me that they will say 1) its my fault for not checking the sell by date, and 2) Go us! Our Milk was good for two years!

Either way, it doesn't look good for Team Me.

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