Friday, December 21, 2012

Cat Blogging

Mine all Mine! Meeeoowww!


I wraappppt my presents! I got it dooonnneeee!!!!

Oh, and its December 21! We're all still here! And, its BROSKEYS BIRTHAY!!!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Green Christmas

I was all set to wrap gifts tonight but then I came home after work and there was an electric throw blanket waiting for me! I had to walk the dog and run some errands but then I really had no choice but to change into my PJs and try out my new toy. Pity that.

I will absolutely get those gifts wrapped or Christmas morning I'll be Santa and just hand out everyone's gifts! So much more festive! and much less waste!
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Yay Christmas carols!

Hey, what are the lyrics to Jingle Bells in Hungarian?

Rohant a hóban
Az egy ló nyitott szán
Járdal a mezők megyünk
Nevetve végig
Csengőkkel bob farok gyűrű
Making szellemek fényes
Milyen jó, hogy nevetni és énekelni
A szánkózás dal ma este

Ó, Jingle Bells, a Jingle Bells
Jingle egészen
Ó, milyen jó is vezetni
Az egy ló nyitott szán
Jingle Bells, a Jingle Bells
Jingle egészen
Ó, milyen jó is vezetni
Az egy ló nyitott szán

Egy-két nap ezelőtt
Gondoltam tegyen egy kört
És hamarosan Miss Fanny Bright
Ült mellettem
A ló volt, sovány és karcsú
Balsors látszott a sok
Kaptunk egy sodródott bank
És akkor mi van upsot

Ó, Jingle Bells, a Jingle Bells
Jingle egészen
Ó, milyen jó is vezetni
Az egy ló nyitott szán
Jingle Bells, a Jingle Bells
Jingle egészen
Ó, milyen jó is vezetni
Az egy lovas szánkózás, igen nyitott

Jingle Bells, a Jingle Bells
Jingle egészen
Ó, milyen jó is vezetni
Az egy ló nyitott szán
Jingle Bells, a Jingle Bells
Jingle egészen
Ó, milyen jó is vezetni
Az egy ló nyitott szán

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Should also add to list

"Discover boxes the wrong size"
"scour house for smaller boxes"
"thank God"
"remember to return grossly over sized boxes"
" remind self that the household has many, many tape dispensers, do not buy more tape"
"be unable to find any tape dispensers"
"buy more tape"
"investigate gift bag options"
"go to Itunes"
"obessivly listen to single Gotye song"
"wallow in rage"
"decide world needs more cornbread"
"make more cornbread"
"go two for three with cornbread"
"unsuccessfully search through card collection to find card for non-Christmas celebrating card needers"
"hope that non-Christmas celebrating folks refrain from sending card"
"get card from non-Christmas celebrating folks"
"decide computer needs to move upstairs"
"drop computer desk down the stairs"
"be thrilled that desk is now in two pieces, thus easier to get upstairs"

Have done list
Cookies made
Cookies bagged
Doggy Santa picture
Doggy Santa Card
Diana Christmas card
Marquette Christmas Card
boxes bought
label's updated and in pipeline
gifts bought

To Do List
search for other Christmas CDs for work
display received cards
put boxes together
fill boxes
label boxes
remember to insert cards
remember to insert ingredient slips into dog cards
Remember to mail Marquette cards to Marquette
mail boxes
bring cookies to work
bring cards to work
buy stamps
mail cards
review gifts
wrap gifts

Tured all ready

Monday, December 17, 2012

Fun WIth Latin

What does this does this translate to? Hint, is the North Carolina state motto!

verberationes continuabunt dum animus melior fit

Which Christmas anthem is this? Its easy!

Primo die Natalis amator dedit mi
perdicem in piro.

S'cunda die Natalis amator dedit me
d'os turtures et perdicem in piro.

Tertia die Natalis amator dedit mi
tres gallinas, d'os turtures et perdicem
in piro.

Quarta die Natalis amator dedit mi
quattuor aves, tres gallinas, d'os
turtures et perdicem in piro.

Quinta die Natalis amator dedit mi
quinque anulos, quattuor aves, tres
gallinas, d'os turtures et perdicem in

Sexta die Natalis amator dedit mi
sex anseres, quinque anulos, quattuor
aves, tres gallinas, d'os turtures et
perdicem in piro.

Sept'ma die Natalis amator dedit mi
septem cygnos nantes, sex anseres,
quinque anulos, quattuor aves, tres
gallinas d'os turtures et perdicem in

Octava die Natalis amator dedit mi
octo quae mulgent, septem cygnos
nantes, sex anseres, quinque anulos,
quattuor aves, tres gallinas, d'os
turtures et perdicem in piro.

Nona die Natalis amator dedit mi
novem salt'trices, octo quae mulgent,
septem cygnos nantes, sex anseres,
quinque anulos, quattuor aves, tres
gallinas, d'os turtures et perdicem in

Dec'ma die Natalis amator dedit mi
decem salt'tores, novem salt'trices, octo
quae mulgent, septem cygnos nantes,
sex anseres, quinque anulos, quattuor
aves, tres gallinas, d'os turtures et
perdicem in piro.

Undec'ma die Natalis amator dedit me
undecim tibic'nes, decem salt'tores,
novem salt'trices, octo quae mulgent,
septem cygnos nantes, sex anseres,
quinque anulos, quattuor aves, tres
gallinas, d'os turtures et perdicem in

Duodec'ma die Natalis amator dedit mi
d'odecim qui pulsant, undecim
tibic'nes, decem salt'tores, novem
salt'trices, octo quae mulgent, septem
cygnos nantes, sex anseres, quinque
anulos, quattuor aves, tres gallinas, d'os
turtures et perdicem in piro.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Santa's work

Okay, instead of writing an entry I  did actual work. I still have work to do so prepare yourself your a seasonal slow down.

What I did instead of writing an entry: I took  twelve varieties of cookies, some twenty four hundred of them...

And counted them out dozen by dozen by dozen and went around and around the table and bagged them up. This took a long time.

All of those went into fifteen snowman bags with three bags left over with varying numbers of cookies for extra folks that didn't make the list this year. Ten of these bad boys get mailed and the rest I will hand deliver. The next big job is going to be getting everything boxed up and labled and shipped and then we move on to Christmas cards! Both mine and Rockets! Wheeee!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Yeah, about today...

Well. Um. I got a lot done but I didn't get my entry written. Oops.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday Cat Blogging

Adventures in baking: Food meant for human consumption

Instead of getting anything really useful done, i.e make more dog treats, think seriously about getting started on my Christmas cards, doing a gift census : what I have, what I need what I bought too much of, I decided to take pity on these poor, lonely, long frozen blueberries I rescued from my freezer. They were really sad and I felt bad for them.

In the spirit of that sacrifice and in the interest of helping these poor berries at long last live their destiny, I made a blueberry crumble. I had no idea that there was a use for rolled instant oats beyond that of a dog treat ingredient. But shockingly, the instant rolled oats industry does not just stay in business for the one time a year I buy their product. Who knew? Right?

But Thank God for those once a year dog cookies because without them I wouldn't have had the ingredients handy to whip up the crumble but still, color me impressed with the multiple uses of instant rolled oats.

Unbelievably good. And right out of the oven?  Its just too much.

Oh and today in Pearl Harbor Day. The day that did absolutly change eveything for everyone forever.  For real, no kidding.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Project Santa Barf

Mission Accomplished!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Flower Power

I had every intention of getting at the very least my fireplace mantel decorated this evening. I had every intention of getting it done. I need to get it taken care of ASAP or I won't do it at all. I all ready decided that the Santa's are not going to wake up from their long winter nap this year either and now the really pretty, really fairly easy mantel might not get done either.


The seed catalogues have landed. One yesterday, two today.
Its really hard to get my Christmas on when 1) its 65 degrees and 2) Spring 2013 Home Garden Catalog!
Normally these things don't arrive until January, when I have hours to spend perusing the hot new tomatoe varieties and deciding what kind of  exotic flowers I think I can keep alive will kill through the summer, this year with only one catalogue featuring flowers, the contenders are :

Easter Egg Plant
They aren't edible and they only available in seed form, not my favorite because I don't have great luck with growing from seed. I'm a plant girl. However, how cool does the plant look?
Green Wizard
Again available in seeds only. I'm also definitely going to go with sunflowers. Lots and lots of sunflowers, hopefully really big varieties. I think they would love life next to the house and be pretty and feed the birds. I also see them in with the watermelon bed and along the back fence. Speaking of watermelons, the watermelons are going to be  oblong this year for a change of pace. There will also be no peas. The peas didn't produce like I would have expected and when they did produce, it was too little for too much effort, not a way to earn a repeat engagement in my garden.
Time has past and while I have spent a lot of time with my catalogues, and have my garden half in the ground my mantel is still undecorated. Pri-orities.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Jumping bean

Rocket and I have reached a new stage of our relationship : The pinch collar stage.

I had been very proud of the tow of us - strutting around just using his collar or harness and looking all "well behaved" and "under control". This was all well and good while he was wee but he isn't as wee as he was and all of a sudden he's a lot stronger than he used to be.

He will never be the tank that Daisy was but he's well on his way to being at the very least a very heavy bicycle and I really think anyone wants a bike grabbing them by the shoulders and checking out their fillings.  Its frankly embarrassing when you are at the other side of the leash and your "bike" is getting up close and personal with passersby and there isn't anything you can do buy yank on the leash and watch nothing happen.

Enter pinch collar.It makes things happen. The puppy school guy just had a wave of disappointment wash over him, he does not  approve of pinch collars, hes a good trainer but his dog is short and has little arms, he can't know the heart break of pulling your dog off someones head. He can disapprove all he wants, I do not approve of my dog getting caught in  ladies shawls (happened, not our best moment). Its a thing.

The final straw was during our walk Monday night. He was pulling, pulling, pulling and we went on a long walk, this usually helps to defuse a lot of that behavior but it didn't work this time. We're about eight blocks from home and we're burning daylight. We pass a townhouse with three generations hanging out on the porch. Rocket launches himself at a guy trying to get past us and I yank him back. He goes airborne and the crowd reacted like they were watching an air show gone bad.

I came home, fed him and did some body work on Daisy's' old collar. He can still reach for the stars but hes not going to be able to jump on them.

Monday, December 3, 2012


He jumps on people, counter surfs, yanks on his leash and harasses the cat. Best puppy ever.

Tree IV

Treating myself.

Puppy's newest trick to bark!bark!bark! whenever I am not in the same room as he is. I do not believe he does this when I am not at home. Puppies are such fun. I have no memory of Daisy doing this, she seemed very happy to be on her own. Weims are called he "Velcro breed" and this must be a breed trait. He doesn't understand that I do not need him with me while I am in the basement or making the bed or anything else that I really do not need company to complete. I think the solution is just move his crate from room to room so he can at least be closer to me while I am getting work done. He seems to not mind the crate as long as he can feel as though he is a part of the activity. He is completely calm and happy and silent while he is with me.

Puppy was with me in the kitchen for the baking and to keep him safe from the stove and my temper, I tied his leash to the door and thus he could be with me without being with me. We were both satisfied with the arrangement.

 I have gotten much done on Operation Cookie 2012. Thus far I have made ten varieties to the tune of just short of two thousand cookies. I have two kinds  left that will add more or less three hundred and fifty to the number and then all that's left is to fill the bags and get them mailed or delivered. Yay.

In between batches, I got my outdoor decorations up. Its a very small display this year  and I'm happy-ish with it, but I'm not done yet so there is hope for full on "happy". What I did not get done was my indoor decorating -other than the tree, which is fabulous, but the rest of the house is bare and I need to get on it. I don't think the Santa's are coming out this year either, possibly some of them but I still need somewhere to display them properly where they can be seen but not disturbed . I also attened Raleigh's "Winterfest" and a new thing for me, "Artwalk" though the Boylen Heights neighborhood. I was hardly chained to my stove.

Maybe just the big Santa's. Or the really cute Santa's. Or the really nice Santa's...

Saturday, December 1, 2012